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Customer Testimonials

for Natural DNA Genetic Health Reports

and Treatments

Have you seen advertisements for Natural DNA Reports?


There are other genetic services who are advertising widely.

Our business depend on word of mouth from satisfied customers. 

"Dr. Ballard encouraged me to get my DNA tested - and I am glad he did. His analysis + his history of my health concerns really helped to unravel some mysteries and narrow down a treatment path. The whole process has been interesting and quite helpful!"

-Alex, British Columbia


Thank you very much.

I really appreciate every moment you spent on this.

I will sit down and read it word for word.

Just a note that I have received my husband's and my daughter's raw data

from 23andme and I will be submitting a new payment to NDS soon in order

to generate my daughter's report first and then my husband's.

Thank you again."




Dear Dr. Ballard,

Your presentation at the DFH genetics conference was excellent. Thank you for

sharing your extensive knowledge on genetic reports and treatment options for

correcting genetic problems.

In health,

Ron S: MD

"This is the best thing I've ever done for my health. After being disappointed with 23andme for their lack of genetic reports, I found NDS and been able to totally rebuild my health."
Sid Wiley, Renton, WA


Hello Dr.Tom

After reviewing of all 130 pages, I have to say same as I have told you in previous email

report is excellent (A+), with all explanation, on first view section III is looking as over

detail, but there is lots new information for me and this section need more attention,

more reading,

Its excellent that on the end you are giving summary” red” genome, with all advise

include diet and supplementation if need . I like your approach start with food 1st, buy

the way just order your book and should be here on next couple days,

From long time a go I have noticed that there I have problem with sulfur food and also

with glutamate as well, and this is are where I need more attention.

I have no particular question for you, all answers is there in the report, but on the end

of consultation with my ND if will be necessary will contact you.

CYP problem I have noticed that I am “more sick” with some medication, and now is

clear way, and this section I will discuss with my GP and Pharmacist as you have

advised .

Many thanks again


Vancouver, BC

"I am so grateful for the health knowledge and awareness the NDS report has given me. I not only feel more empowered about my wellness but am able to bring the NDS report into conversation with my physician. So far this has enabled me to look into aspects of my health that I didn't know I needed to look at. The NDS helped me understand the co-creative process between genes, environment, and nutrition. From this understanding and the specific analysis of my DNA I now have information and data that allows me to look at my past and present illnesses from a whole new perspective.


I'm thankful it is affordable."

Scott, Seattle

Dear Tom,
Thank you for the report.
This is exactly what I was looking for, something comprehensive to give me a clearer picture of why my autistic son is the way he is.
Thanks again.
By far one of the best report received."

"Thanks for the report. It'sall soooooo interesting.

The food groups to avoid, the glutamate and especially the histamine groups arevery informative. I went online to find which foods contain these components.
I find it very interesting that I don't like almost all of the foods high onthose lists.
And my lifetime "allergy" to bananas and occasionally papayas andavocados are explained by their prominent positions on the histamine-rich andhistamine-releasing lists."
Janet S. Seattle
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